Monday, April 30, 2012

3. . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Sparks Ignited!

Welcome to the blog for Spark READiness, an exciting new program for kids who want to learn and have fun while doing it! 

Ask your kids if they want to spend more time taking standardized tests.  Ask them if they are ready for more homework.  Ask them if they want to go over and over the same material.  You don't have to wait for them to stop rolling their eyes because you already know their answers --they don't.   So,  let's be clear:  if you're looking for a quiet room with workbooks and timed tests and bubbles to fill in, you'd better look elsewhere.  Spark READiness is not that sort of program!

Instead, ask your children if they want to spend a few hours launching an intergalactic, top-secret spy mission.  Or perhaps they want to discover water that grants immortality and decide with a group of their friends who should be able to purchase it, and at what price.   They might even like to sketch their answers to questions, or paint them instead--or maybe write a song about how a book makes them feel.

These are just some of the ways Spark READiness engages kids in learning activities.   Bright kids flourish as they are encouraged to think "outside the box" in collaboration with other motivated peers -- rather than being told to wait on everyone else to catch up or given some busy work to do to keep occupied.  

Know any kids who are a little "different?"  Any who are usually reluctant to participate in groups or to go that extra mile with school projects?  They may benefit from the innovative and exciting approach of Spark READiness.   Parents have told me:  "She usually rushes through assignments.  But she worked on that project for hours.  It really seemed to spark her interest in . . ."

It only takes a spark.  It is amazing what kids can do if given an opportunity to stretch their imaginations and expand their perspectives. 

Spark READiness is more than a book study, but books form the foundation for our studies.  Every workshop is designed to develop creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, and communication skills in your child.

What will Spark READiness ignite in your child?