Monday, May 14, 2012

More Than A Book Club

Launch an intergalactic, top-secret spy mission
and discover the dangers of government-mandated conformity.
Discover water that grants immortality,
and decide who should be able to purchase it.
Make and taste "cricket sodas"
while you imagine yourself thousands of miles away in China.
Sit back and listen to great live music,
then think about what the lyrics really mean.
Create a Super-Bowl worthy commercial
and a marketing campaign for the next "must have" product.

Yes--this is learning!  It's all part of More Than A Book Club.  Each of these activities is built from the pages of a great book, such as ALA Notable work Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt or Newbery Medal winner A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle.
Prior to each workshop, students read the club's latest pick and choose from a range of projects based on the book.  Each family chooses what works best for their schedule during any given week--some activities are shorter than others.  Then, club members showcase their projects for the group, and the club shares their thoughts and insights about what they've read and done.  Parents receive detailed feedback about their child's work as well.
Designed for children who have the ability and interest in working above grade-level in the areas of reading, writing, and critical thinking, More Than A Book Club stretches minds as kids are exposed to award-winning books.  Participation boosts reading comprehension, facilitates collaborative learning, and helps your child becomes more comfortable and confident making presentations to a group.  Best of all, everyone is encouraged to think deeply, write critically, and speak passionately about books, themselves, and the world.
Locations and Dates Announced This Week!
Be sure to follow our blog by email so you don't miss out.  Limited spots are available to maintain small instructor-student ratios.

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