Brianna Keating-Rendon received an Honorable Mention award in the 2012 Spark READiness Freedom to Read Essay Contest. She competed in the 2nd and 3rd Grades Category. She wrote about her favorite book Penelope Crumb by Shawn K. Stout.

Below is Brianna's entry:
My favorite book is Penelope Crumb. I like this book because Penelope is trying to find her long lost grandfather, Felix Crumb, because she doesn't know if her grandfather is alive or not. I also like this story because Penelope is going on an adventure. And when you go on an adventure, you have a lot of courage and bravery.
What makes this book a good book is that Penelope tries her hardest to find her grandfather. At the very end her grandfather looks at the picture that Penelope showes (shows) of her grandfather and Dad (who died long ago) when she was two. And when he sees him and his son then he hugs Penelope and invites her into his house. That part of the story is so good because when you find sombody (somebody) in your family that you did not even know that they were in your family, then your heart starts beating and you get so excited that just standing there makes you feel really, really happy!!!
Brianna is a second grade student at Christ the King School in Nashville. She is eight years old. She is the daughter of Brian Keating-Rendon and Radhika Ramayya. Brianna likes to read, swim, and play soccer. Brianna received the top Accelerated Reader Award at her school in kindergarten and in first grade.
Judges commented that Brianna's entry was "well written." As one of only two entries recognized in this category as Honorable Mentions, Brianna received a certificate honoring her achievement.
Congratulations, Brianna! Keep reading and writing!
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