Thanks to our outstanding panel of judges for volunteering their time and expertise during this busy season of the year: Carol Owen, Sean Martin, Amy Everhart, and Joell Smith-Borne.
What is your favorite book and why do you like it?
1st Place:
Kriti Laddha, Edmondson Elementary, 1st grade, age 6
$25 gift card to Parnassus Books
2nd Place:
Amelia Rustici, Kenrose Elementary, 1st grade, age 7
$10 gift card to Parnassus Books
Honorable Mentions:
Jade Parrella, Lipscomb Elementary, Kindergarten, age 5
Brock Kohler, Kenrose Elementary, 1st grade, age 7
What is your favorite book and why do you like it? In your opinion, what makes a book a good book?
1st Place:
Grace Kohler, Kenrose Elementary, 3rd grade, age 9
$50 gift card to Parnassus Books
2nd Place:
Gitanjali A. Rao, Edmondson Elementary, 2nd grade, age 6
$20 gift card to Parnassus Books
Honorable Mentions:
Mason Hibbett, Crockett Elementary, 3rd grade, age 8
Brianna Keating-Rendon, Christ the King School, 2nd grade, age 8
Frederick Douglass said: "Once you learn to read you will be forever free." Who is Frederick Douglass? What do you think he meant? How can reading make a person free? Cite your sources.
1st Place:
Cassidy Fesmire, Crockett Elementary, 5th grade, age 11
$50 gift card to Parnassus Books
2nd Place:
David Xu, Hunters Bend Elementary, 5th grade, age 10
$20 gift card to Parnassus Books
Honorable Mentions:
Olivia Williams, Crockett Elementary, 5th grade, age 11
Nadia Hobeika, Christ the King School, 5th grade, age 10
For more information about the contest, please click here.
We will be publishing our top entries soon. We also will be featuring our winners so you can learn more about these talented children. Like us on Facebook so you don't miss out!
Congratulations everyone on a job well done.
**Parnassus Books is not affiliated with this contest in any way. We just wanted to support our local bookstore!**