Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ms. Jennifer's Just Use Your Brain - Challenge 4

Your challenge is

Is safer-at-home making you feel like you need more space?

Look up! There’s plenty of space there! And this week there are meteor showers!

Check out these websites:

The annual Lyrids meteor shower runs from April 16 to 28, and will peak in intensity on Wednesday, April 22. The best viewing time will be between midnight and dawn on Wednesday, with fewer meteors on the mornings before and after. The Lyrids can produce up to 18 meteors per hour, with occasional fireballs. A nearly new moon will leave the skies nice and dark for this year's shower.

There are three planets up before dawn this week: Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars. Enjoy them while watching for meteors.

What to do: Stay up late (or get up early) at least once during this week and observe the sky. Prepare ahead of time by visiting the websites above and making notes about where to look based on where you live. Learn about the meteor showers. This is a fun family activity!

How to submit: Report on what you saw. Were you able to see a meteor? How many? Have you ever seen a meteor before? Tell me what you learned about the Lyrids meteor shower. Were you able to see Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars?

DEADLINE: Saturday, April 25 at 11:59 PM

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